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Battalion is a uncommon Isaac card.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Launch an Attack Drone offset 1 left from your Missile Bay.
2. Launch a Shield Drone.
3. Launch an Attack Drone offset 1 right from your Missile Bay.

Exhausts when played.


Battalion A


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Launch an Attack Drone Mk 2 offset 1 left from your Missile Bay.
2. Launch a Shield Drone.
3. Launch an Attack Drone Mk 2 offset 1 right from your Missile Bay.

Exhausts when played.

Battalion B


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Launch an Attack Drone offset 1 left from your Missile Bay.
2. Launch a Shield Drone.
3. Launch an Attack Drone offset 1 right from your Missile Bay.
4. Launch a Shield Drone offset 2 right from your Missile Bay.

Exhausts when played.


Battalion attacks and defends in the same card, essentially dealing up to 2 damage, giving 1 Shield, and blocking up to 3 shots in one turn, and more if the drones survive. It can take up your whole turn but with the right ship layout it can be all you need for that turn. Its main issue is its clash with other Midrow Objects that could be in the way; it loses a lot of its luster if there's already a drone of yours in the space it's going to be deployed into, as now it only nets you one drone. As such, the Gemini is probably the best user of this with its alternating Missile Bays, though builds with Evade or Droneshift can probably also use it well.

Its A upgrade replaces the Attack Drones with their MK2 versions, doubling the damage this deals. It will often do 4 damage on the turn it's deployed in addition to its defensive utility!

Its B upgrade adds a Shield Drone to the package, fortifying its defensive value to the point of almost completely covering your ship in addition to 2 Shield and 2 Damage, but also making it harder to find a space to use it.