Radio Control

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Radio Control is a uncommon Isaac card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. All drones and missles take another turn.


Radio Control A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. All drones and missles take another turn.

Radio Control B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. All drones and missles take another turn.



This causes an extra Drone turn to happen. All drones and missiles will act from left to right, as in that phase.


Radio Control is a great enabler for a drone build, acting as a multiplier on the benefits your drones are giving you. Attack drones, Shield Drones, and Energy drones all get to act, so this card is as good as what that does for you. Its benefit for your Missiles is much less, as they're sacrificed when this is played, and they could've been left to hit the enemy anyway most of the time. It does need to be drawn when you have drones out to take advantage.

Do remember that this card affects the enemy's drones and missiles too! You can use this to clear out enemy Missiles while they aren't aimed at you.

Its A upgrade makes it 0 cost, making it easier to use alongside drone launches and Evade to position yourself to best take advantage.

Its B upgrade makes it retain, remedying its somewhat situational nature by giving you better control over when you can use it.