Bubble Field

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Bubble Field is a uncommon Isaac card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. All Midrow Objects gain a Bubble Shield.


Bubble Field A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. All Midrow Objects gain a Bubble Shield.
2. Gain 2 Droneshift.

Bubble Field B


Costs 0 energy. (-2) When played:

1. All Midrow Objects gain a Bubble Shield.

Exhausts when played.


Bubble Field provides a great way to keep your drones alive by instantly giving them a Bubble Shield, allowing them to tank one hit. This can also help shield you from enemy fire, and fortifies other objects like asteroids and geodes. It also protects enemy missiles, so if you plan on shooting them down, it's better to do that before playing this card. The more midrow objects you can get out before playing this, the better. Its 2 cost does get in the way of getting full value out of it, however.

Its A upgrade adds 2 Droneshift, a resource that isn't that easy to come by and can allow you to either preserve your Bubble Shield or use it this turn to protect your ship.

Its B upgrade instead makes it 0 cost but adds Exhaust - perfect for making it easier to burst with. It's especially suitable for Jupiter Drones, especially the army of them that the Jupiter can amass.