Lightspeed Boot Disk

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Lightspeed Boot Disk is an artifact that lets you choose a card in your deck without Buoyant to gain it, and gives you 1 Energy and draws 1 extra card on the first turn of battle.


You won't be offered this artifact if you're in the (extremely rare) situation where you have no non-Trash cards that aren't Buoyant in your deck.

If applied to a card, it will remain if you upgrade the card (or sidegrade it with Annoying Debate).


This artifact adds a lot of consistency to combats if you can apply it to an card that applies a powerful Status, as these are often better the earlier you get them, and the Energy this provides on turn 1 makes it easier to play them without losing a beat. Premium candidates include Clean Exhaust, Endless Magazine, Ace, Stun Source, Mitosis, and Extra Battery or Admin Deploy B if Sticky Note has been applied to them. (Or, Selective Memory, to get whichever card suits the current battle.)

It allows you to deckbuild with the assumption that these powerful cards are in play, without risking drawing them late or at the wrong time. If you can manage to find Strong Start, you get double the power! (You could try applying this to Overclock to shoot for the moon, but you lose the consistency as you still need to draw the status to go with it.)