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Mitosis is a Rare Dizzy card.

It gives 1 stack of a status condition of the same name. At the beginning of your turn, lose Shield equal to the number of stacks of Mitosis that you have. Gain 2 Temporary Shield for each Shield consumed in this way.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Mitosis.

Exhausts when played.


Mitosis A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Mitosis.
2. Gain 2 Shield.

Exhausts when played.

Mitosis B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Mitosis. (+1)

Exhausts when played.


Mitosis is a card that heavily commits you to a heavy Shield-based strategy - one that expects to be getting hit every turn, and one that frequently has Shield equal to Max Shield, making the loss of Shield on turns where enemies aren't attacking a meaningless downside. In that context, it effectively boosts your output by 1 per turn (maybe even 2, if losing the Shield just allows you to fill it back up on your turn). On the other hand, if you aren't fully committed to Shield or don't generate it consistently enough, e.g. if Riggs is one of your other pilots and you sometimes use Evade instead for defense, you will find this card hurts as much as it helps, sapping your Shield on off-turns.

The A upgrade helps you get into this strategy by giving you 2 Shield off the bat, getting your Shield economy off the ground ensuring that the Mitosis won't be useless early as well as help. The B upgrade on the other hand assumes you've already got a strong Shield economy, and intensifies the effect (and are in the lategame, where you can expect to be getting hit by 4 or more most turns).

Mitosis has notable synergy with Prototype 22, as Mitosis's effect will trigger before Prototype 22 will. This means that if you have any stacks of Mitosis, you will never suffer Prototype 22's downside.