Prototype 22

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Prototype 22 is an Boss artifact for Dizzy that gives you 1 Max Shield on pickup, and 1 Shield per turn, but if you can't get this Shield because it's full, you take 2 hull damage instead.


Prototype 22 produces consistent output every turn, and unlike Shield Burst doesn't commit you to a heavy Shield build. In fact, it's just fine in a build that otherwise doesn't produce much Shield.

Beware its -2 hull penalty for overfilling Shield! It's easy to forget at times, causing you to take damage in fights that were otherwise quite safe, leaving you vulnerable in fights that matter, or if you're particularly unlucky, even lose a run out of the blue! You may need to intentionally tank enemy fire occasionally to ensure that overfilling doesn't happen. Ways to improve your Max Shield (that don't also give you current Shield, like Shield Surge B) can help too. If you have Shield Memory, you'll need to be careful not to save too much shield into it that you take damage this way! Finally, Mitosis pairs excellently with this artifact, as it will take away your Shield before this activates, meaning you're completely safe from this artifact's penalty as long as it is active.

It helps to know which enemies can sometimes be passive, so that you know to lose some Shield in advance. Of particular note is Soggin’s Very Cool Ship - a normally safe "fight" that becomes quite dangerous if you have this artifact, as you don't have a way of losing Shield, unless you have Mitosis!