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Momentum is a common Dizzy card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain Shield equal to the number of times you have played this card this combat.


Momentum A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 1 card.
2. Gain Shield equal to the number of times you have played this card this combat.

Momentum B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain Shield equal to 1 + 2X, where X is the number of times you have played this card this combat.


Momentum allows you to build up a more powerful Shield as a fight progresses. How quickly it scales depends on how quickly you go through your deck - note that you also need to be able to play it for it to scale, and the first time you play it it isn't very impressive. You'll need a lot of Max Shield to fully utilize it as fights go on. Despite being a Common card, it usually should be drafted later in a run once you've trimmed your deck and built up the economy to use it well - it's often not much better than a Basic Block early.

The A upgrade goes nicely with a high-Energy loadout, allowing it to be card-draw neutral and thus letting you draw it more often.

The B upgrade doubles its scaling speed - it'll soon be matching Big Shield A's output for 1 energy. Just make sure you have enough Max Shield to actually capitalize!