Multi Stun

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Multi Stun is a Uncommon Dizzy card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.
2. Move 1 space right.
3. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.


Multi Stun A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.
2. Move 1 space right.
3. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.
4. Move 1 space right.
5. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.

Multi Stun B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2 damage with Stun. (+2)
2. Move 1 space right.
3. Attack for 0 damage with Stun.


Multi Stun is a defensive card, shutting down all enemy intents in a two space wide area. Multi Stun's utility depends a lot on your ship layout. It essentially protects your cannon and whatever is to the right of your cannon from harm this turn, which for the Artemis and Ares ships is often your cockpit - a boon on harder difficulties where that part is vulnerable. Conversely, it's quite bad on the Jupiter ship, where you don't even get to capitalize on your movement for additional stun. (That being said, that ship appreciates Stun in general, so if you're desperate for that, it might still be worth taking.) Having Peri as a crewmate can also help, as her Overdrive and Powerdrive statuses turn this card into an offensive weapon too. Photon Condenser helps this card a lot too.

The A upgrade adds a 3rd shot and second shift, widening the area that the opposing ship gets stunned in, and perhaps capitalizing on Overdrive and Powerdrive more. The B upgrade adds some punch to the first shot, which can be useful if you need a source of damage.