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Artemis is the starting Ship, which serves as an "all-arounder," allowing for any playstyle. Artemis is 5 tiles wide with a central cannon.

“A bulky, versatile ship with a single central cannon.”


The Artemis has excellent hull and Max Shield, and compared to most other ships, it doesn't have any gimmicks and so is pretty straightforward to use and allows for a wide variety of strategies. Its Cargo Hold is easy to overlook but quite nice, letting you see one more Artifact once per sector, giving you one more option for finding a game-winning strategy.

Despite its "all-rounder" reputation, this ship actually has one glaring weak point when compared to other ships — it is the only ship that isn't capable by default of changing where its cannon is by any ship mechanic (the Tiderunner also nominally shares this distinction, but its high innate mobility and Empty spaces in the middle means that in practice it feels like it does). As such, this ship more than any other is forced to choose between using its Evade offensively vs. defensively. Another implication of this — Evade is very hard to go without on this ship because of how critical it is for both offense and defense.

Its boss artifact, Artemis, can be quite useful if you plan around it, often letting you spend less Evade defensively and ensuring that you can save your Evade for when you really need it.

Character-specific interactions:

Dizzy: This ship certainly can go heavy Shield thanks to its 4 Max Shield, and that can be a way of coping with this ship's Evade issues by lessening the need for it on defense.
Riggs: It's hard to win on this ship without her — Evade is so important for this ship, which is Riggs's specialty.
Peri: Its lack of cannon flexibility is a significant liability for Peri, and while her fixed-movement cards can be useful, they often don't fit what this ship needs to do. (For example, Lunge can be difficult to use in practice on this ship.)
Isaac: His Midrow Objects are certainly a defensive option on this ship, but they can also get in your way due to the lack of flexibility on the cannon and how close the Missile Bay is to the cannon. Having to use Evade to get around your own drones is quite unwelcome here.
Drake: This might be one of her better ships thanks to its large maximum hull, allowing you to draft Heat cards more aggressively. Her offensive approach and hull-gambiting defenses are certainly one answer to this ship's Evade problems.
Max: This ship doesn't have any gimmicks to get in the way of Admin Deploy or his combos, and it can find combo-enabling artifacts like Safety Lock, Sticky Note, or Recalibrator more easily thanks to Cargo Hold. Many of his cards like Branch Prediction work pretty well too.
Books: This ship's perfectly fine for her, and she can even help with the all-important Evade issue with Zircon Zip. It's certainly possible to take a heavily defensive approach on this ship, building up defensive resources first and only going for offense with that covered, and many of Books's cards fit that approach.
CAT: It's a perfectly fine ship for her. Her combos work perfectly well here, and if you don't have Riggs, she has plenty of ways to provide that crucial Evade too.