Safety Lock

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Safety Lock is an artifact that lets you choose a card in your deck with Exhaust to lose it.


You won't be offered this artifact if you have no non-Trash cards that Exhaust in your deck. (You can, if you somehow want to, choose Trash cards for this anyway; why?)

You must choose a card that currently has Exhaust. You cannot apply it to a card that can upgrade to gain Exhaust.

If applied to a card, it will remain if you upgrade the card (or sidegrade it with Annoying Debate).


This artifact is arguably the most breakable in the whole game (and it hands-down has this distinction for non-Boss artifacts - only Flywheel is in the same ballpark). It can certainly be played on good cards that unfortunately have the Exhaust property, like Battalion, Vamoose, Basic Dodge B, or AI Overflow. Note that the smaller your deck is, the more you'll draw this powerful and now replayable card, and so the better this is.

Naturally, you can take this to the extreme, where you draw this card every turn. Especially for spammable cards like Basic Dodge B, this is very strong. (And Max is very capable of thinning his deck with his abilty to Exhaust cards that otherwise don't.)

But you can go further - let's say it's a 0-cost card draw card that either draws 2+ cards or has an additional benefit, like Math.Max B, either of Spacer's upgrades (the chance of this artifact makes Spacer worth taking speculatively if you don't have another premium target), Quick Thinking B, Serenity B, Bay Overload A (provided you have any card drawing card too), or AI Overflow B. Now you can play this card infinitely often once you've drawn your deck, as it will draw itself, and reap a benefit in the process (if the "benefit" is draw 2+ cards, also play a 0 cost attack like Basic Shot A). Your enemy won't get another turn (in the case of Spacer, until you have as much Temp Shield or have moved as far out of the way as you need). Keep removing cards and this will happen earlier and earlier in fights.