AI Overflow

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AI Overflow is a rare CAT card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Draw every CAT card in the draw pile.


AI Overflow A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Energy.
2. Draw every CAT card in the draw pile.

AI Overflow B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Draw every CAT card in the draw and discard pile.


All Basic cards, including Basic Shot, Basic Block, etc. are considered CAT cards. This is quite important for the purposes of this card.


AI Overflow is a powerful ace up CAT's sleeve, and one reason you'll want to hold on to your Basics instead of removing them with CAT. Because Basic cards are CAT cards, your deck by default starts with many of them, and so this will often draw several cards. It does have a chance of bricking if drawn late in the draw order; other sources of card draw can mitigate this, if you have the Energy economy. As you'll draw lots of cards with this, you'll want them to be cheap. Thankfully, every Basic card's A upgrade makes them 0 cost! So with this card, focus on upgrading your basics to their A version and this card will reward you handsomely. Initial Booster helps your damage immensely.

Its A upgrade adds 1 Energy when you play this card. This seems good on its face, since you're drawing a lot of cards. It looks a lot worse when you realize you can just upgrade a Basic card to its A version instead for a superior benefit.

Its B upgrade adds reliability to the card, making it not brick in the scenario where you draw it with an empty draw pile, and also boosts its power. It allows you to use it to double-dip on other CAT cards you drew this turn by playing them and then playing this to get them back. It's hard to use the sheer number of cards this draws most of the time, however, unless you've already upgraded most of your remaining CAT cards to cost 0. If you can get multiple copies of this card (perhaps via The Duplitron), they can retrieve themselves, and if you have a lot of 0-cost basics, you can have a field day.