Quick Fix

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Quick Fix is a uncommon CAT card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Cheap Fix.


Quick Fix A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Cheap Fix.


Quick Fix B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Cheap Fix.

Buoyant. Exhausts.


Quick Fix gives you a discount on all Temporary cards played this turn. Its immediate problem is fairly similar to Extra Battery's - it essentially gives you 1 Energy per Temporary card you play with it active. You need to both have Temporary cards to pair with it as well as cards to spend the saved Energy on. As such, it's fairly hard to make good use of in ordinary situations. CAT's .EXE cards do provide Temporary cards, but they will often cost 0 initially thanks to being Discounted, so you usually won't be able to benefit from this card's discount on them until the second cycle of your deck. You can use Time Stop to keep this effect longer, but justifying this is hard for the same reason justifying this card is usually fairly difficult.

There are some situations where this card can be good:

1. If you're on the Jupiter, this applies to Jupiter's Moons. If you have card draw, this can allow you to play that multiple times and have Energy left over to shoot with all those drones.
2. War Mode and Anchor are also temporary, providing some incidental use to this card. The junk cards enemies add are also affected by this.
3. If you're using Max's Worm, this status allows you to spam that card. (You still need to be careful about letting it flood your deck too much!)
4. If you manage to get a card that gives card draw from a .EXE card (Riggs.EXE is the one that's most likely to, though Max.EXE can also give you Math.Max), it is possible to go infinite with just that card with this status active, provided your deck is small enough. As a simple example, a Temporary Draw Shot costs 0 with this active, and if you have all your cards in hand, it will draw itself, still at 0 cost, when you play it, letting you repeat this cycle until the enemy is dead. It's a risk to rely on this, however, as you may not get your card draw!
5. Max's Backup Stick can, under the right circumstances, create a Temporary version of whatever card you'd like. You can then copy a card that gives card draw and, with this status, go infinite, just like (4), but more reliably.

Its A upgrade adds Retain, which is nice since you typically won't want to play it on your first cycle anyway, saving a card draw later. This makes it easier to line up with the Temporary cards and Energy need.

Its B upgrade adds Buoyant and Exhaust, as well as amplifying the effect to 2. There are not very many 2 cost Temporary cards, so the increase mostly just gives you 1 more turn of the effect, though Backup Stick can in theory sometimes give you a reason to want the double discount. You're guaranteed to have it turn 1. If you've set up an infinite involving this it will ensure that you'll always have it, and the fact that it Exhausts now can be helpful in the context of an infinite, as there's one fewer card you need to have in your hand.