Jupiter's Moons

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Jupiter's Moons is a common Jupiter card. It is created at the start of combat and put in your opening hand by Jupiter Drone Hub.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Launch a Jupiter Drone.

Retains. Temporary. Recycle.


As the Jupiter depends on its Jupiter Drones for damage, this card is a key component of your strategy. Note that while you will generally have it in hand at the start of every turn, playing it costs 1 card draw next turn, as you will need to draw it again.

Card draw effects, even draw 1 card draw effects, are interesting on this ship - they can be used mid-turn to be able to play this card more than once per turn, or they can be used at the end of the turn to get this card back in your hand so that you can draw a full 5 other cards next turn, functionally deferring the card draw to next turn. This makes Books's Crystal Shards quite handy, as well as Max's Spacer.

Be very careful not to Exhaust this card with Admin Deploy, Static Noise or Total Cache Wipe! This could result in your run ending because you won't be able to attack anymore.