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Aegis is a uncommon CAT card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain X Temp Shield. X starts at 1 and increments every time this card has ever been played this run.

Exhausts when played.


Aegis A


Costs 1 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Gain X Temp Shield. X starts at 1 and increments every time this card has ever been played this run.

Exhausts when played.

Aegis B


Costs 0 energy. (-2) When played:

1. Gain X Temp Shield. X starts at 1. (It does not increment anymore, though it may have been incremented in past combats when this was a different version of this card.)

Exhausts when played.


Aegis provides you with a build-your-own get-out-of-jail-free card - the more you play it, the better it gets. Draft it before hopefully relatively-easy fights to build it up. For the most part, once it's hit 4 or 5 or 6, it's probably a free turn against just about any foe. (But if you're the type to pick fights you really shouldn't, you may have use for higher numbers.)

Its A upgrade makes it 1 cheaper, one of many CAT upgrades that save 1 Energy on an Exhausting card. It's fine.

Its B upgrade makes it 2 cheaper at the expense of putting a stop to its scaling for the rest of the run. If you've gotten it to about 4 or higher, this upgrade is probably the better one most of the time - the scaling's value has significantly diminishing returns beyond this number most of the time.