Acid Cannon

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Acid Cannon is an uncommon card from Dizzy.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2 damage. If it hits, apply 1 Corrosion to the target.


Acid Cannon A


Costs 2 energy (-1). When played:

1. Attack for 2 damage. If it hits, apply 1 Corrosion to the target.

Acid Cannon B


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4 damage (+2). If it hits, apply 1 Corrosion to the target.


The corrosion from Acid Cannon compliments Dizzy's defensive playstyle. It adds up to a powerful attack in many fights after a few turns. This can be part of a Corrosion strategy - hit the enemy with this, and you can spend most of your other resources on Shield and Evade as you wait for this to work. As it is 3 cost and has no defensive utility itself, you may have to either take damage or wait a while to build up defensive resources before you can safely land this. Unlike Corrosion Beam which has Exhaust, this can be reused, which is handy for fights you really need to speed up. The damage this card deals is actually a bit awkward with a completely Corrosion-based build, as if you have no other damage it will be applied to your opponent's Shield while the Corrosion affects hull, wasting the damage from the actual shot. Piercer can solve this problem quite nicely.

Note that if you have multiple cannons or Jupiter Drones active, all of those attacks will apply Corrosion on hit, which can be especially powerful if you have many Jupiter Drones out at once.

Its A upgrade makes it cost 1 less Energy, which is extremely useful if you intend on repeatedly using it.

Its B upgrade adds 2 damage. While this is a very economical upgrade on its face, the anti-synergy between Corrosion and traditional damage means you'll often need Piercer to fully capitalize, not to mention the ability to consistently play this card at 3.