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EMP is an uncommon Dizzy card.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Lose all Shield.
2. The enemy loses all Shield, no matter where they are.
3. Cancel all enemy intents.
4. End your turn.

Exhausts when played.




Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. The enemy loses all Shield, no matter where they are.
2. Cancel all enemy intents.
3. End your turn.

(You do not lose any Shield.) Exhausts when played.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Lose all Shield.
2. The enemy loses all Shield, no matter where they are.
3. Cancel all enemy intents.
4. End your turn.

Exhausts when played.


EMP is a solid utility card, provided you don't care about your own Shield. It can be used to skip a particularly painful enemy intent or a bad draw, letting you mulligan on your hand. With enough Energy, you can even do something else and then play this, getting extra action economy. Its elimination of enemy Shield can be devastating against certain enemies too, provided you draw it early enough.

Its A upgrade allows it to be used in a Shield-heavy build without sabotaging it.

Its B upgrade decreases its cost, allowing you to do more things on the turn you play it and increasing your action economy improvement.