Stun Source

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Stun Source is a Rare Dizzy card.



Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Stun Source.

Exhausts when played.


Stun Source A


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Stun Source.

Exhausts when played.

Stun Source B


Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Stun Source.
2. Attack for 4 and Stun.

Exhausts when played.


Stun source gives you consistent Stun Charge turn after turn, allowing you to shut down enemy intents that are problematic to you. Using this effectively requires Dizzy's co-pilots, however; he does not have that many attacks, and you cannot use Stun without an attack, and you will need to be able to move your ship to be able to hit the targets you need to hit, making Evade synergize well with this card.

Jupiter Drones, either by Isaac's card of the same name, or by Jupiter's Moons, love this card, since it lets them protect themselves by stunning whatever is attacking them. If you have Stun Calibrator and have this in play, your first 2 attacks will stun each turn.

Unless you have a way to either have 4 energy or cheat it into play, you'll need to upgrade this to its A upgrade to be able to play it at all. If you do have 4 energy, you can add a powerful 4 damage stunning attack to this card instead - which can be quite handy! Note that this card doesn't give you any Stun Charge on the turn it's played, so even if you can play an attack on the same turn you play it, it won't gain stun from this card, so the 4 damage attack can compensate for this.