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Leech is a common Dracula card. It can only be obtained from the Your Old Friend Dracula event.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2 with Pierce and Stun.
2. Heal for 1.

Exhausts when played.


Leech A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3 with Pierce and Stun. (+1)
2. Heal for 2. (+1)

Exhausts when played.

Leech B

1. Attack for 2 with Pierce and Stun.
2. Heal for 1.

(Does not Exhaust when played.)


Leech is a powerful attack both offensively and defensively, having both Pierce and Stun, and gives you hull when you use it too, allowing you to recover health and opens the door to the idea of using your hull as an expendable resource in fights. Use it to cancel troublesome intents, and be sure to use it every fight if you can stall for it without losing hull. It's worth considering losing half your hull to get a second copy of this card if you can do so safely, but even 1 is quite powerful.

Its A upgrade gives it 1 damage and 1 heal, which is excellent value.

Its B upgrade on the other hand makes it not Exhaust, which is quite intriguing. Not only is this a solid card in its own right in many decks, making it something you want to keep around, it also makes the card quite abusable. In easy fights, you can use this to fully heal by stalling the fight and using this until your hull is full. If the enemy's hull is low, you can intentionally miss them; despite the theme of this card, the heal isn't contingent on the attack connecting.