Lightning in a Bottle

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Lightning in a Bottle is a rare Tooth card.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Gain 3 Energy.

Exhausts when played.


Lightning in a Bottle A


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Gain 3 Energy.

(Does not Exhaust when played.)

Lightning in a Bottle B


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Gain 3 Energy.
2. Draw a card.

Exhausts when played.


Lightning in a Bottle when played gives you 3 Energy... which is exactly what you paid for to play it in the first place. Unless, somehow, you didn't. Max's Admin Deploy can be used to play this without paying the Energy, giving you a net gain of Energy - if of course you can line up this card, Admin Deploy, and things to spend the Energy on. That sounds like a job for Math.Max! Sticky Note can help too. Clean Exhaust is another way to take advantage of this card - it doesn't cost anything when you have that! Finally, Energy Refund would also net you one extra energy.

The A upgrade makes it not Exhaust - it's rather ambitious to expect to play this multiple times in a battle, but if you have what it takes, maybe there's an infinite combo here somewhere? (Hint hint: Admin Deploy B and Math.Max.) Keep in mind that Clean Exhaust will no longer work here.

The B upgrade makes it draw a card, which while not a great upgrade in terms of card draw is nonetheless helpful in lining it up with cards to spend the Energy on.