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Buckshot is a rare Tooth card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 0.
2. Attack for 0.
3. Attack for 0.


Buckshot A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 0.
2. Attack for 0.
3. Attack for 0.
4. Attack for 0.
5. Attack for 0.

Buckshot B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 0 with Pierce.
2. Attack for 0 with Pierce.
3. Attack for 0 with Pierce.


Buckshot peppers your opponent with attack after attack; surely that must do something, right? Actually, if you have Overdrive or Powerdrive, it does. This scales as well as Multi Shot A does with those statuses. Grazer Beam, Crosslink, and Recalibrator deserve a mention as well, rewarding you for the many attacks this card does - Recalibrator in particular makes this a potent source of card draw, which sometimes can be just the thing you need to go infinite.

Its A upgrade makes it 5 shots, which is the most attacks any card does in Cobalt Core, so Overdrive or Powerdrive will quickly scale it into the strongest attacking card. Alternately, with Recalibrator it's a draw 5.

Its B upgrade instead gives its shots piercing. You still need Overdrive or Powerdrive to take advantage but this means that Armor won't be a problem, and it can be used to quickly take out enemies relying on their Shield to tank.