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Seeker is a rare Soggins card. This card can only be obtained after successfully saving Soggins during the Missile Mayhem event.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Launch a Seeker Missle.


Seeker A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move 3 spaces left.
2. Launch a Seeker Missle.

Seeker B


Costs 2 energy (+1) When played:

1. Launch a Seeker Missle.
2. Move 3 spaces left.
3. Launch a Seeker Missle.


The intention of this card is quite clear - dodge the enemy while launching seeker missiles at them from a distance, so that you can hit them while they can't hit you. Otherwise, this card is mostly a glorified Basic Shot B.

The A upgrade makes this intention all the more explicit by adding a movement of 3 spaces to the left, which is great value.

The B upgrade also does this but adds an additional missile at the expense of costing 1 extra energy, a nice way to ensure that even fights where indefinitely dodging the enemy isn't effective won't last too long.