Summon Control

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Summon Control is a Boss artifact for CAT that, after each combat, lets you optionally pick a Temporary card to make permanent.


This card works with CAT's .EXE cards, letting you keep particularly interesting hits, and giving you lots of chances to find what your deck needs. You could find card draw in Math.Max or Draw Shot, Evade in Scramble, Shield in Big Shield, and so on. You'll occasionally find a Rare card that might fit your deck particularly well.

There are also specific Temporary card generators that work really well with this. Wave Charge creates Wave Beam that can be upgraded to the deadly Wave Beam B that is otherwise unobtainable. Boulder Bundle produces Pebbles that upgrade quite nicely. Any Temporary Crystal Shard generator in your deck can be used to get an extra permanent Crystal Shard every combat, boosting your Shard economy to great heights. And Backup Stick can be used to create Temporary copies of your best cards that you can then make permanent with this. There's lots of crazy possibilities here!