Aquatic Lifeform

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The Aquatic Lifeform is a ray-like ship that fires Fear-inducing bolts at the player from its empty spaces. The ship is highly mobile, often moving several spaces at once to quickly reposition.



The Aquatic Lifeform only has one attack, below, which it uses every turn.

Image Details
Attack 3 (adds 1 Fear card if it hits) from left empty slot, Attack 3 (adds 1 Fear card if it hits) from right empty slot


The Aquatic Lifeform tends to shift between three positions. First, it will line up its rightmost attack with the leftmost part of the player’s ship. Then, it will line up the leftmost attack with the rightmost part of the player’s ship. Finally, it will center on the player’s ship, attempting to hit either side with both shots at once, before repeating the process.

Tips and Tricks

As the Aquatic Lifeform fires from its empty spaces, it is impossible to stun it with most stunning cards. This makes evade particularly valuable in this battle.

Fear cards are persistent, which can be annoying, but it isn’t necessarily a problem until you accumulate 5 or more at once. Builds that are overly reliant on Shield, especially those that use Worm, can find themselves in a tough spot in this fight if they can't finish it in a reasonable time.