PPA-94 "Pupa" Interceptor

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The PPA-94 "Pupa" Interceptor, or Pupa, is a medium-sized ship that periodically spews out trash in an attempt to bog down your deck with useless cards.



The Pupa will always attack in the order listed below, repeating once it completes each action.

Image Details
Attack 2 from left cannon, attack 2 from right cannon
Shield 1 from left missile bay, add a Trash card to discard from left cannon, add a Trash card to discard from right cannon, add a Trash card to discard from left missile bay


Tips and Tricks

Since the trash cards are added to your discard, it is possible to “play through” the trash by ignoring it for 2-3 deck cycles before it becomes a problem, especially with a larger deck size.

Playing the trash cards to remove them from your deck is theoretically energy-efficient, as you will have two turns of energy to deal with every three trash. However, keep in mind that it is possible to draw more than three trash at once after turn 4!