00-A Mining Drill

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The 00-A Mining Drill is an excavating drill with a scaling multiattack that punches through the asteroid fields around it to devastate enemy ships.



The Mining Drill will use the actions in the order listed below, repeating once all actions are completed. In Hardest difficulty, it will repeat the first action two turns in a row before moving on to the second action.

Image Move Details
Move any number of spaces

Aim at player

Does not avoid midrow objects

Attack 1x3 from left drill cannon

Attack 1x3 from right drill cannon

These attacks permanently gain 1 repetition each time this action is used (1x4, 1x5...)
This is cumulative and does not reset when the Mining Drill uses the other action

Move any number of spaces

Aim at player

Avoid midrow objects

Shield 2 from cockpit

Attack 2 from wing


Tips and Tricks

Because the Mining Drill uses a multiattack, the asteroids in the midrow offer little protection– don’t be tricked into thinking you’re safe just because they’re in the way!

Targeting the weak wing is generally a good idea, both because of the damage increase and because of its distance from the cannons.

The Mining Drill can scale to massive attacks, but they always deal their damage one at a time, meaning ships with an Armored Bay or other armored parts, like the inactive cannons on the Ares, still take no damage.


Battle Barks

Battle start
"Hey! I found this haul first!"

"Back off, rock thieves!"

"Finders keepers! Go find your own mine!"

"Get outta here, rock stealers!"

Possible responses
"We're not interested."
"Uhh... I think you've got the wrong idea."
"Sorry, kid, the rocks are ours now."
"We are clearly not here for the rocks, man."
"Can we have ONE asteroid? Please?"
Geode on the field
"Woah! Cool rock!!!"

"Wow! That one's gotta be worth a lot!"

Call-and-response bark
"Wow, a geode!"
"Hands off, it's mine!!!"
About to attack from wing
"Phew. Need a breather."

"Give the drills a break..."


Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.1 (2024-06-17)
    • Upgraded from NORMAL to ELITE enemy. (That's because he kills players more often than any other non-boss fight! Watch out for this guy!)