"Evolutionary Perfection"

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The "Evolutionary Perfection" is a crab-shaped ship that focuses on deploying midrow objects such as attack drones and seekers before swooping in to finish off targets with its cannons.



The "Evolutionary Perfection" will always attack in the order listed below, repeating once it completes each action.

Image Details
Launch bubbled Attack Drone Mark II from left missile bay, Launch bubbled Attack Drone Mark II from right missile bay,
Launch seeker missile from left missile bay
Attack 3 from left cannon, attack 2 from right cannon


The "Evolutionary Perfection" will generally move very far out of the player’s way prior to launching either of its first two attacks before closing in for the third attack with its cannons. It can often be expected to “run away” in this fashion, and can even be preemptively chased down.

Tips and Tricks

Any source of piercing damage is remarkably effective in dealing with the "Evolutionary Perfection" due to its comparatively low hull.

If you have the ability to block the damage from the seekers it launches, it is sometimes better to wait for the "Evolutionary Perfection" to come to you rather than chasing it down every turn.