STG-04 "Stag" Fighter

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The STG-04 "Stag" Fighter, or Stag, is a large, tanky ship with sturdy defenses punctuated by a few specific weak points. Its effective shielding and wide firing pattern means that it often tries to win battles of attrition.

It is also possible to fight the Stag during the Artifact Smuggling event as the negative consequence of choosing to smuggle the artifact.



The Stag will always attack in the order listed below, repeating once it completes each action.

Image Move Details
Move any number of spaces

Aims at player

Attack 1 from left cannon

Attack 3 from central cannon
(Hardest : Inflicts 1 heat)

Attack 1 from right cannon

Does not move Shield 2 from left missile bay

Attack 2 from central cannon
(Hardest : Inflicts 1 heat)


Tips and Tricks

Both of the Stag’s missile bays are weak, making them good targets for attacks as the Stag charges its shields.

Unlike many other ships in this Zone, the Stag has no method of scaling over the course of the battle. This makes stalling-based tactics much more feasible against the Stag.