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Hull refers to a ships health.

It is indicated by the segmented red bar on top of a ship, decreasing from right to left when damage is taken. When the hull bar is completely depleted, the ship is destroyed. In the player's case, the run is lost.

Hull damage taken by the player persists across combats. This makes the ship's hull a vital resource to manage.


Damage is commonly taken when a damaging Attack.png attack or Missile normal.pngDrone.png midrow object hits a ship part. Enemy ships telegraph intent of attacking.

Other sources of hull damage are Heat.png Overheating, Corrode.png Corrode, and EnvHazard.png some cards.

Damage Mitigation

Hull damage can be mitigated by Shield.pngTempShield.png Shields, see its page for more info.

PerfectShield.png Perfect Shield completely nullifies hull damage while active.

Max Hull

Exhaustive list of interactions that can increase or decrease the max hull of the player.

Start Run Max Hull Condition
HullMax.png Gain 3 Choice
HullMaxNegative.png Lose 2 Choice
Events Max Hull Condition
BossMapNode.png Boss HullMax.png Gain 2 (1 on Harder+) Defeat the Boss
EventMapNode.png Ship Shuffler HullMax.png Gain 1 Choice
EventMapNode.png The Duplitron HullMaxNegative.png Lose 3 (4 on Hard+) Choice
Low Health Event Max Hull Condition
EventMapNode.png Worthwhile Trade Repairs HullMax.png Gain 3 Choice (Lose 1 random artifact)
Cards Max Hull Condition
Attack.png Pillage and Plunder HullMax.png Gain 1 Card deals final blow
Artifacts Max Hull Condition
ArtifactHardmode.png Hardmode (Hard) HullMaxNegative.png Lose 1
ArtifactHardmode.png Hardmode (Harder+) HullMaxNegative.png Lose 3
ArtifactHullPlating.png Hull Plating HullMax.png Gain 3 On pickup
ArtifactAdaptivePlating.png Adaptive Plating HullMax.png Gain 1 Kill a Boss/Elite
ArtifactScrapArmor.png Scrap Armor HullMax.png Gain 2 Get hit 10 times, Single use
ArtifactTridimensionalCockpit.png Tridimensional Cockpit HullMaxNegative.png Lose 50% On pickup

Note: Interactions that increase Max Hull also heals that same amount, meaning your missing hull doesn't increase. Losing Max Hull does not lower your current hull unless your Max Hull becomes less than your current hull. It is possible to die by reducing your Max Hull to 0, though you'd have to be doing this voluntarily.


ShopMapNode.png Repair Yards are a player's primary way to regain back lost hull (Heal centered.png Gain 50%). Considering this is the same location that offers card upgrades and removals, this is an opportunity cost.

Exhaustive list of other ways of healing the ship of the player.

Low Health Event Hull Condition
EventMapNode.png Garbage Girl Repairs Heal centered.png Heal 50% Choice
EventMapNode.png Abandoned Ship Yard Heal centered.png Heal 50% Choice (67% to enter combat w/ lesser heal)
EventMapNode.png Worthwhile Trade Repairs Heal centered.png Heal 99 Choice (Lose 1 random artifact)
Midrow Object Hull Condition
RepairKit.png Repair Kit Heal centered.png Heal 2 Heals its destroyer
Card Hull Notable Traits
Attack.png From Hell's Heart A Heal centered.png Heal 1
Attack.png Leech Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts
Attack.png Leech A Heal centered.png Heal 2 Exhaust.png Exhausts
Attack.png Leech B Heal centered.png Heal 1
Attack.png Bloodstone Bolt Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 1 Shard.png 2 Shards
Attack.png Bloodstone Bolt A Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 1 Shard.png 1 Shard
Attack.png Bloodstone Bolt B Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 2 Exhaust.png Exhausts, Shard.png 2 Shard
Shield.png Battle Repair Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts
Shield.png Battle Repair A Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts
Shield.png Battle Repair B Heal centered.png Heal 4 SingleUse.png Single Use
Shield.png Hot Compress Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts, Heat.png 3 Heat
Shield.png Hot Compress A Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts, Heat.png 2 Heat
Shield.png Hot Compress B Heal centered.png Heal 1 Exhaust.png Exhausts, Heat.png 3 Heat, Discount.png 0 cost
Danger.png Bruise Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 1
Danger.png Bruise A Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 1
Hurt.png Lose 1 Heal centered.png Heal 1
Heal centered.png Perfect Specimen Heal centered.png Heal 2 SingleUse.png Single Use
Heal centered.png Perfect Specimen A Heal centered.png Heal 5 SingleUse.png Single Use, Discount.png 0 cost
Heal centered.png Perfect Specimen B Heal centered.png Heal 2 Exhaust.png Exhausts
Heal centered.png Ephemeral Repairs Heal centered.png Heal 4 SingleUse.png Single Use
Artifact Hull Condition
ArtifactNanofiberHull.png Nanofiber Hull Heal centered.png Heal 1 Triggers after combat
ArtifactHealBooster.png Heal Booster Heal centered.png Heal 1 Triggers on other heals
ArtifactScrapArmor.png Scrap Armor Heal centered.png Heal to max Single Use
ArtifactReboundReagent.png Rebound Reagent Heal centered.png Heal 1 Lose hull; Once per combat.

Note: Most percent (%) based heals are rounded down.