Flow State

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Flow State is an artifact for Max that makes you draw 1 less card per turn, but draw a card the first 3 cards you play each turn.


At its best, Flow State ends up being +2 cards per turn, giving you added flexibility and letting you get through your deck faster. (Hi Freq Intercom is a comparison point, giving you the +2 draw upfront but with the penalty of not being able to skip card rewards.) But you won't see all of your cards initially, and may end up drawing an expensive card mid-turn that you can't play if you're not careful.

So this card goes well with 0-cost and generally low-commitment cards, so that you can adapt to the cards that you draw as you go. (And 0 cost cards also go well with +draw effects in general.) Crystal Shard is an excellent example, as is Spacer, Solar Breeze, and basic cards upgraded to their 0-cost A versions. Admin Deploy gets a special mention too because it plays 2 cards, and so triggers this up to twice.

Note that the Ares and Gemini come with Toggle Cannon and Basic Swap, respectively, which help too. On the Jupiter, this can let you redraw Jupiter's Moons up to 3 times in a turn, which can allow you to burst Jupiter Drones if that's what you want.

Note that every time you play a card, your rightmost card will change with this artifact as cards are drawn to your rightmost slot. This can be useful for things that care about that, like Right Click, Root Access, Autopilot granted by Max cards, and the Tiderunner.