Right Click

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Right Click is an artifact that gives your rightmost card +1 damage, and your leftmost -1 damage.


The power of an attack cannot go below 0, so for example, any shot that his a Weak point will still deal 1 damage.

But all modifiers, positive and negative, are factored in simultaneously when deciding the power of a shot. So for example if you have 1 Overdrive, have Right Click, and use a Buckshot on the left side of your hand, each shot will deal 0 damage (base 0, -1 for Right Click, +1 for Overdrive). This could surprise you if you gain 1 Overdrive expecting it to increase the attack power of Buckshot.

If you have just one card in your hand, it's neither the right-most nor the left-most for this artifact's purpose, and so does normal damage. (You can choose to see it as being both, too.)


While the artifact seems to be completely neutral on first glance, the player has significant control over where cards are when they're played if they are careful. For one, you can play the card on the right side of your hand first to make your second-rightmost the rightmost. (And you can play your leftmost card last so that only it is the leftmost card.) Retaining cards will become the leftmost card after the first turn they're drawn, and if they aren't damage cards they'll prevent you from losing any damage on your right. When you draw cards, they'll immediately start with the damage boost. Flow State in particular means that many cards will be your rightmost card at some point during your turn.

Max's various shuffle effects can sometimes help (or sometimes get in the way) of using this well.

As with any damage boost, multi-attacks benefit particularly well, like Lazy Barrage. (They also suffer particularly hard if they end up on the left, though.)

Patch Changes