Hi Freq Intercom

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Hi Freq Intercom is a Boss artifact that lets you draw +2 cards per turn but decreases your choice of cards and forces you to draft one after each combat.


You can think of Hi Freq Intercom like giving you more options over each given turn in exchange for fewer options for your overall strategy in a run. +2 cards per turn is powerful, and card draw isn't easy to come by in this game, so it's hard to replace what Hi Freq Intercom can do. But you'll be forced to add cards that don't best fit what you're doing, and often unupgraded cards that dilute your deck's upgrade density. It rules out any lean-deck strategy, including infinite combos. It's at its best on ships that can struggle with draw consistency, like the Ares and Jupiter, and often aren't going for "lean" decks anyway.

Once you've taken this, you should generally prefer Event locations over Common Enemy locations, as post-combat card rewards become arguably a downside to your run.