Sharp Edges

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Sharp Edges is an artifact that deals 1 damage to the enemy, no matter where they are, when you shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. It caps at 3 per turn.


Sharp Edges provides some incidental damage as you draw cards, providing just a little extra damage over the course of a fight most of the time. It's solid but not amazing.

It's a fairly mandatory source of damage, which means it can sometimes get in your way if you're trying to stall a fight for a benefit, such as by playing Battle Repair, setting other artifacts like Crosslink to a proper number, getting rid of Genesis Canisters, or landing a Pillage and Plunder. With proper planning, this is usually avoidable. It even damages Soggin’s Very Cool Ship which probably isn't what you want.

Note that Sharp Edges is a potent source of damage if you can get an infinite combo going, shuffling your discard pile into your draw pile as many times as you like. Because of its 3 damage cap per turn, it can't itself kill your enemy, but if your infinite gives you defense, such as via Sidestep B or Recalibrator + Crosslink + Basic Shot A, you can just use that to be invincible, deal your 3 damage per turn, then end turn until the enemy is dead. (In fact, your combo doesn't even need to be infinite for this to be effective, it just requires draw and a very small deck - Draw Shot + Basic Dodge A, looped as many times as you have Energy to do so, is solid, consistent offense + evade every turn and wins most fights.)