Berserker Drive

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Berserker Drive is a Boss artifact for Peri that gives you +1 Powerdrive at the start of combat, but also gives your enemy 1 Powerdrive on turn 2.


Berserker Drive heavily commits you to the Peri way - kill enemies before they can kill you. 1 Powerdrive is a great benefit, especially if you're taking full advantage of Peri's ability to spam shots, such as Multi Shot, Barrage, Endless Magazine, and so forth. Parry also deserves a special mention as this artifact empowering your enemies also empowers it.

But enemies gaining 1 Powerdrive means that hanging around in fights is not going to work out for you. Frontloaded defense, especially Evade, Midrow Objects, and Stun, can keep you alive for longer. Boss fights all get significantly scarier with 1 Powerdrive, as they all have wide attack patterns with many cannons to take advantage of the Powerdrive (and 00-A Mining Drill gets a special mention for its multi-attacks too). But a well-built deck with this artifact doesn't need to stay alive for too long against any foe.