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Cobalt Core has 12 Achievements, most of which are related to unlocks and specific challenges.

Story Achievements

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Icon Name Description Unlock condition
AchievementPrism.png Prism Beat the finale. Unlock and access the 'future memory..?' in the vault, for one final encounter.

Character Achievements

Icon Name Description Unlock condition
AchievementTheNewKid.png The New Kid Unlock Isaac. Win a run.
AchievementNowWereCooking.png Now We're Cooking Unlock Drake. Win a run with Isaac.
AchievementWereIn.png We're In Unlock Max. Win a run with Drake.
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Icon Name Description Unlock condition
AchievementBookmarked.png Bookmarked Unlock Books. Progress is made each interaction with Books after Crystalline Entity.
Win a run at least once.
AchievementIveBeenHereTheWholeTime.png I've Been Here The Whole Time Unlock CAT. Unlock all memories.

Ship Achievements

Icon Name Description Unlock condition
AchievementGodOfWar.png God Of War Unlock the Ares. Win a run on HARD or harder.
AchievementGoodCommunicator.png Good Communicator Unlock the Jupiter. Get 40 different artifacts.
AchievementOfTwoMinds.png Of Two Minds Unlock the Gemini. Win a run without Dizzy, Riggs, or Peri.
AchievementSmoothSailing.png Smooth Sailing Unlock the Tiderunner. Win 10 runs in total.

Challenge Achievements

Icon Name Description Unlock condition
AchievementPenchantForPunishment.png Penchant For Punishment Win a run on the hardest difficulty. Win a run on HARDEST.
AchievementCuriosity.png Curiosity Win a fight you shouldn't have started. Find a way to annihilate Cleo.