Radio Repeater

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Radio Repeater is a Boss artifact for Isaac that causes an additional Drone Turn after the player's turn to happen.


This has no effect on Jupiter Drones as they do not act on Drone Turns.

This has no practical effect on Missiles, as they sacrifice themselves when activated once (so they don't exist by the second Drone Turn).


This doubles the effectiveness of Attack Drone, Shield Drone, and Energy Drone, as well as Battalion and Striker Squadron's component drones. These cards become ridiculously efficient once you have this, even in the worst case scenario where the enemy kills the drones they produce as soon as possible:

Attack Drone A: 4 damage for 1 Energy (and block a shot)
Shield Drone A: 4 Shield for 1 Energy (and block two shots), assuming you can stay still
Striker Squadron B: 16(!) damage for 2 Energy this turn and next (and block 4 shots)
Battalion A: 8 damage and 2 shield for 3 Energy (block 3 shots)

This artifact is very committal, as it only meaningfully empowers the aforementioned 5 cards. You do also need to remember that it affects the enemy's drones too, but LPD-77 “Monarch” Drone Hub and Evolutionary Perfection are the only fights where this matters at all. The former is Lazuli Nebula only, which only matters if you selected the Boss artifact swap boot option.

Because of how much more effective these 5 cards become over most other cards with this artifact, look to remove most other cards from your deck to take maximum advantage of it. (You'll also need Evade and/or Droneshift too.)

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