Dirty Engines

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Dirty Engines is a Boss artifact that gives you 1 Energy per turn, but adds Trash to your draw pile every 2 turns.


It has a counter that increments at the start of every turn. This counter does not reset between combats. Every time it hits 2, it resets and adds a Trash to your draw pile.


There aren't many ways to get 1 Energy per turn, and this is one of them. A powerful effect, especially with card draw and high-cost cards.

Unfortunately, the Trash added will make it harder for you to use that Energy well, reducing your effective handsize. You may have nothing better to do with your Energy than spend it removing the Trash, while reducing your draw consistency. So it's at its best with expensive cards, especially ones that help improve your consistency, like Ace, Vamoose, Stun Source, and Battalion.

It can be worth delaying the end of a combat so that it ends when this is on 0, so that you won't immediately get the Trash next combat.