Radar Subwoofer

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Crosslink is an artifact that gives Jupiter Drones in front of your Comms +1 attack. It's in the common relic pool, but will only appear if you are piloting the Jupiter.


A powerful boost to your offense, and one that is worth planning around. Your comms are 1 to the left of your Missile Bay, so you can either move a newly-launched drone 1 to the left, or move your ship 1 to the right after launching a drone, to take advantage of this. Multi-attacks such as Multi Shot are especially good at taking advantage of this buff.

It does require you to use Evade more offensively than defensively (moving your ship to get out of the way of shots will tend to deactivate this), and so tends to favor an all-out offensive approach (which the Jupiter tends to want to do after getting set up anyway).