Ignition Coil

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Ignition Coil is an artifact for Drake that adds 1 damage to all attacks when you are at 3+ Heat.


This can be a situational damage boost, but it's hard to make reliable use out of, since you overheat when you're at 3+ Heat - not only does this cost you 1 hull, it also resets your heat to 0. Unless you have a lot of healing, it isn't generally practical to overheat super often in fights. So in practice it's hard to get more than incidental use out of this. High-heat cards like Hot Compress, Solar Flair, and Desperate Measures can go well with this artifact provided you have some hull to gambit, however.

There is one notable exception to this - if you have Next Gen Insulation, you can in fact have 3 Heat without overheating, meaning you both don't have to pay hull and can keep the benefit if you can stay at 3 Heat indefinitely. This can be easier said than done because if you can get to 3 Heat fast, you generally have Heat-producing cards that you'd like to play that you won't be able to if you want to maintain this setup. But perhaps, if everything lines up, you could get Ignition Coil, Next Gen Insulation, a single copy of say Solar Flair B or Desperate Measures, remove all other Heat-causing cards from your deck, and treat the heat-producing card as a de facto source of Powerdrive with added upside, which is really nice.