Dakka Drum

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Dakka Drum is an artifact that puts a Temporary Chip Shot into your hand every time you play 5 Peri cards.


It has a counter that increments when you play a Peri card. This counter does not reset between combats. Every time it hits 5, it resets and gives you 1 Chip Shot. Note that Chip Shot is itself a Peri card.


Dakka Drum adds even more oomph to Peri's offense, giving you one free attack every 5 Peri cards. As Peri has access to Overdrive and Powerdrive, this may well represent more than 1 damage to the enemy, and it encourages you to draft such cards. So its damage can definitely add up over time. Endless Magazine pairs well with this, giving you more Chip Shots and more Peri card plays so that this produces even more Chip Shots, giving you ample firepower.

It is possible to use the fact that it carries over from fight to fight with careful play - if you have a fight under control, you may look to stall to end it with this artifact's counter on 4. That way, you'll gain a Chip Shot the first time you play a Peri card next combat, potentially letting it deal more damage over the course of the fight.