Jettison Hatch

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Jettison Hatch is an artifact that lets you remove 2 cards at Repair Yards.


Allows you to use your Repair Yards more efficiently, getting 2 removes for the price of one. Removing basics can be a great way to ensure your deck's consistency, and with this you can get a very lean deck with careful drafting choices!

If you get this early, an infinite combo - where you keep drawing and playing the same cards over and over until you either kill the enemy or get as much of a resource as you like - may be within reach. If you can get your deck small enough, it becomes a lot easier to have all of it in your hand - a prerequisite for most infinites. (In particular, most infinites require your deck to be 10 or fewer cards before Exhausting, and 5 or fewer if you have no card draw.)