Caffeine Rush

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Caffeine Rush is a Riggs artifact that gives you +1 Evade when you shuffle your draw pile into your deck. (It caps at 2 Evade per turn.)


This artifact adds 1 Evade per shuffle, quite comparable to adding a non-Exhausting Bolt to your deck that doesn't cost a card draw. Overall, a solid, low maintenance addition to your defensive economy.

It does get better the faster you can go through your deck, so removing cards and adding card draw like Think Twice will make it better. Its cap at 2 Evade per turn means that it can't be your only payoff for assembling an infinite combo, but if you can draw your whole deck consistently and play a free card that draws cards like Crystal Shard over and over, it does provide 2 Evade per turn, and that plus a few other defensive tools can allow you to indefinitely stall most enemies.

Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.0.6 (2023-12-20)
    • Made Caffeine Rush cap at 2 triggers per turn. (Previously, there was no cap.)