Tide Runner

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Tide Runner is an artifact that moves you to the left/right when you play your leftmost/rightmost card. The Tiderunner starts with it, and it cannot be obtained normally.


See Tiderunner.

Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.0.6 (2023-12-20)
    • Tiderunner’s starting artifact has been split into 2 artifacts, to be easier to parse (Tide Runner and Mooring Line).
      • Before: Tide Runner's effect was, "Immediately after you play the leftmost/rightmost card in your hand, move left/right1. At the start of combat, add an Anchor to your draw pile." Mooring Line did not exist.
      • After: Tide Runner's effect became, "Immediately after you play the leftmost/rightmost card in your hand, move left/right 1." Mooring Line was introduced with this effect: "At the start of combat, add an Anchor to your draw pile."